I know I'm silly, but I truely believe in Signs,
signs =
significance is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they signify (intend, express or mean), where one term necessarily causes something else to come to the mind. Distinguishing natural signs and conventional signs, the traditional theory of signs sets the following threefold partition of things:
There are things that are also signs of other things (as natural signs of the physical world and mental signs of the mind);
There are things that are always signs, as languages (natural and artificial) and other cultural nonverbal symbols, as documents, money, ceremonies, and rites
this is the one I am trying to see now :)
There are things that are just things, not any sign at all; Just a coincidence!!
I know, I believe in crazy things,Like Karma, getting back what you put into this world, Being Kind to everyone, smiling at strangers, seeing the Beauty the world has to offer, in the small things, like the sky, flowers, clouds, take time to stop and enjoy them. I try and live my life by the Hippie Motto. . Peace - in all things, Love - In every aspect of your life, and Happiness - in whoever you choose to be, and whatever you choose to do, as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else on purpose.
& I am teaching Riley to live this way, but also encouraging him to ask questions, and stand up for what he believes in.. even if its different then what I believe.
so with all that said.. here goes
me at 27 weeks,, bad pic I know I'll get a better one next week :)
I'm sure when I am holding my beautiful baby boy in my arms in 12 weeks I will be thinking how silly this whole thing sounds..
Since about week 8 Iv been positive I was having a girl, not an ounce of doubt in my mind, or my husbands, Riley's, my family's even my grandfather just knew it was a baby girl. when I was pregnant with RIley. we were thinking of names, and before I officially knew he was a boy, The name Riley Drew just felt right, and I knew he was a boy from day 1. This time,.. Liberty Gayle sounds right, feels right, and Brady Michael is ok, Mike says it really fits for him, and thats good :) It still not sitting well with me, but each day it gets a little more.. right.
On to the signs,
Everything about this pregnancy is different,
all the old wive's tells that it is a girl, says, it's a girl. the heart rate is 168-178 which is clearly a girl heart rate. boys are 140 and lower. I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome, which means I have high testosterone all the time! with this pregnancy I'm more of a girl, emotional and what I would consider crazy, crying at everything, and not having to shave my legs as often :) which is a blessing since its becoming harder everyday! Lol.
Everyday when I turn on the TV, there is something Liberty on it, Liberty mutual, the statue of liberty, I was watching a movie on lifetime, Bam! its based out of a small town called.. Liberty. On the way to work everyday it seems like I see nothing but Jeep Liberty's.! Riley and I came out of Fry's the other day,, and Hi, There was 2 Jeep liberty's one on each side of my veh!! Liberty tax's, Liberty Homes, A blog I stumpled upon, the writer is "libby" which is what we were calling the baby for months, turns out as I was reading, "libby" is prego due 2 days after me, she said It's a boy,!! she already has a boy about 2.5 years old, 2 months later! New post.. they were wrong, It's Not a boy, its a girl. Why does everything feel like a Sign! or maybe like taunting, My 2nd ultrasound the tech said "GIRL" first, then changed her mind to a boy.
the final sign was from my Mother. I cried and cried for nearly 2 days. Trying to convince myself that it was a Coincidnece, Not a Sign.
My uncle Joel sent me a package, of toys for riley which he LOVED thought it was Christmas all over again!
Bryan (mothers husband before she died) put in 3 things I had never seen before
the first in a stack of 3, was a baby book.. I never knew I had one, and I learned so much from just the few entries that she made. I smiled the very first day! of course, emotional, I cried, being so very thankful to have it,
the second was a very old photo album, from when my mom was maybe 18 and 19 years old, there were a few pics of me, and some of my dad., only a few of my mom. SMOKING, lol shame on her :)
so with my eyes filled with tears I slid the album off to see the 3rd book. which was a giant Bible! on the front. It said.. Holy Bible Liberty Family Edition. I lost it! I thought, if that isnt a sign, then I dont know what is. in the middle of the bible was a certificate stating that I Casey Michele Yakes has completed Bible School. :) That day... on the way to work. I saw 4 Jeep Liberty's. 2 Liberty Home signs (that have since disappeared) I think I cried most of the day, that day.
Since then, I have been trying to make myself understand, that it wasnt a sign. and Im sure the ultrasound techs are right. Trying to convince myself that I am having a boy. I got some clothes, and blue crib sheet and blanket. I feel good about having another boy. I am happy about it :) Truely thankful that I am able to have another baby, looking at the girls clothes are still tough, and whenever I buy something my inner conscience says "keep your reciept" you will need it when you exchange everything for girl stuff. I dont know how to get my brain to be quiet. So I cant wait for these last 12 weeks to pass! So I wont wonder anymore, wont have to doubt, so I can just enjoy a baby, soft, squishy, beautiful baby. & yes I do have pink stuff, but a baby is a baby :) & my baby wont mind if we have a pink Bumbo, :)
If I am not able to have another child after this, I want to cherish every single moment of everyday! with a baby girl, or a baby boy, :)
you look great :)