Riley- 11am.. Mudder I a going to throw you a thank you party for everything you do for me and us.
Me- awe thank you so much
Riley- I have to many toys.
Me- well yes you do! and you need to pick them up before we carve pumpkins
Riley- (hands on hips) well! Hmm.. thats a mean attitude! ( walks out of the room)
Dad- whats all over your arms and back?
Riley- Chocolate
Dad- Riley why did you do that!
Riley- I'm a superhero and it gives me my powers
Riley- Mudder I love you all the way to my foot.. and all the way back
We are now in the stage of Questions!!! AHHH!!!!
this weeks questions:
why do we kiss.
why do we go pee pee
what does I love you mean
why do we have to go to bed
what does sweet dreams mean
why does phose (the cat) have hair on my face
... My Fav.. Hey,,,,, Why are you up? Its nearly 1pm... :) my kid knows me well.
and about a hundred times a day
What are you doing, where are you going? what are you eating? what are you watching? whats it called? why do I have to listen? wjy do I have to be quiet?
I sure do Love my little peanut! He is my heart :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Bit over 16 weeks!
I am about half way thru week 16.. or 4 months! I am feeling pregnant. & unfortunatly I dont have the luxury of having easy pregnancies. Maybe thats why God feels I should only get pregnant every 4 years :) I cant breath.. I have the Rhanitis of Pregnanct. which means I am stuffed up 22 hours a day. I wake up every 2 hours because my mouth is so dry, and I cant breath at all. Drinking all that water makes me have to pee every 2-3 hours. So I havent gotten much sleep in the last couple months. For some strange reason I am able to finally breath around 11am. when I should be getting up to start the day, Instead I sleep for a few hours before rushing off to work. I have cramps all day long, and worse after I pee. They even sent to me to the ER one day and I discovered I had a bladder infection so bad it was nearly a kidney infection. My tummy is getting bigger, and I keep forgetting its there. I havent felt the baby kick yet, but I do feel her fluttering around a bit. That makes me happy, My clothes dont fit. Im tired all the time, and I feel like Im not spending enough time with RIley. Ive fallen behind on my classes, the house is a mess. and I have so many bill I cant pay I dont even open the envelopes anymore.. My 31 birthday is a week from today, and I cant wait not to be 30 anymore, 30 was a HORRIBLE year! The next chapter of my life looks much better.
I have been feeling really sad lately.. very emotional, and hormonal..
I get to find out if I'm right, If Baby Libby is going to be here in April or a baby boy named Brady. Sometimes I think you just know things. in your heart and womens intuition... I have recently discovered mine works very well... :) so I am hoping this one is correct also. It would explain why Im acting like such a girl! Lol,
Riley has been having a tough time listening lately, but I think its just a phase.. well it better be a short one.. Mike is having a really hard time.. He has decided to get off his anxiety medication, which he discovered was the root of our problems.. Why he wasnt himself, and did things he would have never ever considered doing before. So he is stepping down slowly, but there are so many withdawl side effects from it. Im trying to be patient and I pray he will be back to the man I married soon.
I feel like someone stole my happy, and I am trying so hard to find my way back.
The best revenge is Success... and I know that.. so I know I will be my normal cheery self soon, and our dark cloud will pass. Every one has there moments, the periods in their life they would do anything to forget, So.. one day soon, the bad dreams will stop, the crazy thoughts in my head will disappear, and life will once again be sunshine and daisies.
I thank GOD for an amazing kid, who has helped me smile everyday. who reminds me of who I am, and why I am here. A husband, who is doing his best to help me, and fix the problem, who loves me so much, and shows me everyday. I am so thankful to be having a baby. and that this miracle happened after all the craziness. To bring our family closer together, I cant wait to find out if we are having a girl or a boy. Both have so many wonderful things to add to our family.
23 more days :)
So its 2am,... I am going to bed,, well at least for a couple hours anyways,
Tommorrow,.. will be a better day..
I think one of the main reasons I know I am having a girl is because I am so EMOTIONAL!! Its crazy! I have to stop watching depressing shows.. it gets me down.. and makes me think of all they crazy stuff in my life!
I have been feeling really sad lately.. very emotional, and hormonal..
I get to find out if I'm right, If Baby Libby is going to be here in April or a baby boy named Brady. Sometimes I think you just know things. in your heart and womens intuition... I have recently discovered mine works very well... :) so I am hoping this one is correct also. It would explain why Im acting like such a girl! Lol,
Riley has been having a tough time listening lately, but I think its just a phase.. well it better be a short one.. Mike is having a really hard time.. He has decided to get off his anxiety medication, which he discovered was the root of our problems.. Why he wasnt himself, and did things he would have never ever considered doing before. So he is stepping down slowly, but there are so many withdawl side effects from it. Im trying to be patient and I pray he will be back to the man I married soon.
I feel like someone stole my happy, and I am trying so hard to find my way back.
The best revenge is Success... and I know that.. so I know I will be my normal cheery self soon, and our dark cloud will pass. Every one has there moments, the periods in their life they would do anything to forget, So.. one day soon, the bad dreams will stop, the crazy thoughts in my head will disappear, and life will once again be sunshine and daisies.
I thank GOD for an amazing kid, who has helped me smile everyday. who reminds me of who I am, and why I am here. A husband, who is doing his best to help me, and fix the problem, who loves me so much, and shows me everyday. I am so thankful to be having a baby. and that this miracle happened after all the craziness. To bring our family closer together, I cant wait to find out if we are having a girl or a boy. Both have so many wonderful things to add to our family.
23 more days :)
So its 2am,... I am going to bed,, well at least for a couple hours anyways,
Tommorrow,.. will be a better day..
I think one of the main reasons I know I am having a girl is because I am so EMOTIONAL!! Its crazy! I have to stop watching depressing shows.. it gets me down.. and makes me think of all they crazy stuff in my life!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Over 12 weeks...
12 weeks! Its exciting, and irritating at the same time.
I dont feel pregnant...
No more sickness.. .
occational idegestion...
I lost 4 pounds and yet I feeeeeel.. fat. my belly pokes out more then normal..
and my pants are tight :p wishing it was appropriate to wear lounge pants everywhere.
I'v been looking for maternity jeans like crazy! I have ordered 2 pair off ebay. but they fit so weird! they are long wasted, and it feels like the crotch is down at my knees! oh well I'll keep looking.
I had my Dr appt last week, and she didnt even check for the heartbeat :( I was so sad, just a 4 min conversation.. do you have any questions?... are you cramping or bleeding? ok see you next month :p I was disappointed, worried and left feeling incomplete.. thats what I look forward to.. the heartbeat. which always makes me cry. @ hear my sweet baby, and now she/he is doing good,.
So trying to focus on other things, as in holidays, no money, working late hours and having what appears to be endless homework and tests I need to take. But there are good things too :) Like Riley, who brightens my everyday, & Michael whom I just adore, most of the time :)
& Ice cream which is always enjoyable, and my shows, which I know is lame to rely on TV, but its something I look forward to when I wake up.. Checking the TiVo.. to see what my faithful friend has picked for me to watch :)
Im hating not knowing if the baby is a Libby or a Brady... Not that I have any money at all right now, less then none is more like it, but it still makes me cringe a bit when I see things I need for the baby on sale....
My silly son :
Riley said.. "i'm worried about you mudder" the other day when I was sick and being grouchy with him.
Riley said " It was scrumptious!" when I asked if his belly was full after drinking his juice so fast.
Riley said to sharon "we have a pet, her name is Phose and she is always a cat"
Today, Riley got his own milk, didnt spill a drop!, and Opened the door for the UPS man! & brought in my package! which made me nervous! Since we have the latch on the top of the door, he is smart that little one :)
& I have to share the computer with him! Since in the morning he logs on to Nick jr games, or Thomas games. or watches Thomas movies on netflix! He even adds Thomas movies to my QUE! Potty training is going great! :) Im very proud of him, especially since he is so stubborn :)
I dont feel pregnant...
No more sickness.. .
occational idegestion...
I lost 4 pounds and yet I feeeeeel.. fat. my belly pokes out more then normal..
and my pants are tight :p wishing it was appropriate to wear lounge pants everywhere.
I'v been looking for maternity jeans like crazy! I have ordered 2 pair off ebay. but they fit so weird! they are long wasted, and it feels like the crotch is down at my knees! oh well I'll keep looking.
I had my Dr appt last week, and she didnt even check for the heartbeat :( I was so sad, just a 4 min conversation.. do you have any questions?... are you cramping or bleeding? ok see you next month :p I was disappointed, worried and left feeling incomplete.. thats what I look forward to.. the heartbeat. which always makes me cry. @ hear my sweet baby, and now she/he is doing good,.
So trying to focus on other things, as in holidays, no money, working late hours and having what appears to be endless homework and tests I need to take. But there are good things too :) Like Riley, who brightens my everyday, & Michael whom I just adore, most of the time :)
& Ice cream which is always enjoyable, and my shows, which I know is lame to rely on TV, but its something I look forward to when I wake up.. Checking the TiVo.. to see what my faithful friend has picked for me to watch :)
Im hating not knowing if the baby is a Libby or a Brady... Not that I have any money at all right now, less then none is more like it, but it still makes me cringe a bit when I see things I need for the baby on sale....
My silly son :
Riley said.. "i'm worried about you mudder" the other day when I was sick and being grouchy with him.
Riley said " It was scrumptious!" when I asked if his belly was full after drinking his juice so fast.
Riley said to sharon "we have a pet, her name is Phose and she is always a cat"
Today, Riley got his own milk, didnt spill a drop!, and Opened the door for the UPS man! & brought in my package! which made me nervous! Since we have the latch on the top of the door, he is smart that little one :)
& I have to share the computer with him! Since in the morning he logs on to Nick jr games, or Thomas games. or watches Thomas movies on netflix! He even adds Thomas movies to my QUE! Potty training is going great! :) Im very proud of him, especially since he is so stubborn :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
9 weeks.....
Wasnt that the title of a movie.. 9 weeks?
My little ticker on my other blog states I am 9.5 weeks, but when I went to the Dr. I am measuring about 4-5 days off. Which is a bummer, Its always nice to be further along then you thought. Not the other way around.
I am feeling nausea allot less then I had with Riley! Thank goodness. But heartburn indeguestion.,. I am the poster child for Pepto.. Should have been in the commercial.. But I cant even take it when Im pregnant!
I can barely drive past a Taco Bell without wanting to puke, and the thought of chinese food makes my tummy turn. Both of these foods, I used to LOVE!! I am still really tired, and fall asleep at the most random times, I cant wait till this beginning part passes.. and can move on to the good stuff. :)
I think we have our names picked out. Mike has been calling the baby Libby for a few weeks now. but everytime I would refer to the baby I felt bad saying Libby in case its a boy. so if its our little girl. her name is Liberty Gayle, and if we have another little prince his name is Brady Michael, the boy name was extreme tough, we didnt agree on much, and nothing seemed to stick. but this sounds nice.
I am taking the intelligender test next week. I'm very excited but I am 80% positive its going to say boy because of my PCOS, but its fun to try anyways. I cant find out by ultrasound till the middle of December, which seems like such a long time away! Thats all my update for now. Just getting ready for the fall weather! & so excited about all the activities coming up!
My little ticker on my other blog states I am 9.5 weeks, but when I went to the Dr. I am measuring about 4-5 days off. Which is a bummer, Its always nice to be further along then you thought. Not the other way around.
I am feeling nausea allot less then I had with Riley! Thank goodness. But heartburn indeguestion.,. I am the poster child for Pepto.. Should have been in the commercial.. But I cant even take it when Im pregnant!
I can barely drive past a Taco Bell without wanting to puke, and the thought of chinese food makes my tummy turn. Both of these foods, I used to LOVE!! I am still really tired, and fall asleep at the most random times, I cant wait till this beginning part passes.. and can move on to the good stuff. :)
I think we have our names picked out. Mike has been calling the baby Libby for a few weeks now. but everytime I would refer to the baby I felt bad saying Libby in case its a boy. so if its our little girl. her name is Liberty Gayle, and if we have another little prince his name is Brady Michael, the boy name was extreme tough, we didnt agree on much, and nothing seemed to stick. but this sounds nice.
I am taking the intelligender test next week. I'm very excited but I am 80% positive its going to say boy because of my PCOS, but its fun to try anyways. I cant find out by ultrasound till the middle of December, which seems like such a long time away! Thats all my update for now. Just getting ready for the fall weather! & so excited about all the activities coming up!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5 weeks 5 days...
Today I am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant..
To my little Yokomoshi, I loved you from the moment I knew about you. I dont know if your a boy or girl, But I am happy about both! The last few days I am feeling pregnant! The morning..afternoon... and evening sickness has begun to kick in. But I know its a good sign. I am still worried everyday, and I am hoping and preying everything goes good and I will have a healthy, happy full term pregnancy. Im my heart I know that everything will be fine. My head gets in the way allot.
Mike and I have been throwing around baby names, and we dont agree on allot, but thats the fun part. Mike is hell bent and determined to name one child Gator! I still think he is joking.. well. I sure hope he it :) There are so many things I am looking forward to, :) So whether your a little miss, or little sir, we cant wait for you to join our family.
To my little Yokomoshi, I loved you from the moment I knew about you. I dont know if your a boy or girl, But I am happy about both! The last few days I am feeling pregnant! The morning..afternoon... and evening sickness has begun to kick in. But I know its a good sign. I am still worried everyday, and I am hoping and preying everything goes good and I will have a healthy, happy full term pregnancy. Im my heart I know that everything will be fine. My head gets in the way allot.
Mike and I have been throwing around baby names, and we dont agree on allot, but thats the fun part. Mike is hell bent and determined to name one child Gator! I still think he is joking.. well. I sure hope he it :) There are so many things I am looking forward to, :) So whether your a little miss, or little sir, we cant wait for you to join our family.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yay!! It finally happened!
I have been waiting years to get 2 lines on a test, Any test for that matter, Ovulation or Pregnancy test! It finally happened, & there is no mistaking it, Since it states in big words! PREGNANT! We are very excited
My due date is April 29, which is Riley's 4th birthday! He loves babies, I know he will be a great big brother! He says he wants a baby girl. I do too. But since it took me so long! I would be more then happy with another boy too! Hey the first one turned out good. I'm a little nervous, and praying everything goes ok. I know its still early! But I feel good, I knew it was my time. Sometimes you just know.
I've been falling alseep randomly threw the day, and I am wondering how working the night shift is going to effect me. But I can handle it! :) I hope.
I wanted to do a pregnancy journal, so I am going to use this blog for that. and then make a book later :) Thanks Artscow! They have such great prices in photo books, Its just easier and you can completely personalize it. So when I find out if our little Yokomoshi is a Miss, or a Sir, :) I can make pink or blue for the colors.
If its a boy.. Hmmmm. Boy names are so hard for me! & with boys you cant give them a silly or odd name. Like Ernie, which I really love for some strange reason. I guess because I can see a 9 month old, plump little rosey cheek kid, and calling him ernie :) but after the 2nd grade, he might get assaulted on a daily basis. So I need a cool name, a.. sporty, or tougher sounding name. Like Riley , thats a sporty name. I can see him playing football :) Oh well, I have 9 months to decide :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Oh the things they say!

Yesterday we were getting ready to out for the day., I was setting my clothes out and Riley ran in grabbed my bra and said, "mommy you almost forgot your Boobie.. (he paused) Trap I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.. Boobietrap.. I said yes honey.. This thing is a boobietrap to mommy..
& its tough to find a G rated picture of a bra on google photos... Geeze ....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
new words
Sometimes I forget whatever I say riley hears, and repeats. A few days ago, he wanted chips so I asked him 2 get a bowl to put them in he said.. mommy your ridiculous!!... I laughed so hard what a big word for such a little man. Another funny thing he said. We were on vacation. Riding in the rental van, I was tired so I laid my head on his car seat .. he lifted my said and said, no sleeeping mommy, I said but I'm so tired, he started 2 cry and said, but its a sunny day... now he says. Now he says that even in the morning when I am dying 2 get just a little more sleep, don't sleep mommy its a sunny day. :) he is growing up 2 be such a cool kid! Even when he has an attitude!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A Little Mini Me
As I was watching grey's the other day.. I looked over at Riley and noticed something.. quite familiar..

Me... Its just what I do.. eat panda.. and play on the computer.. or work, or school stuff, but still Its kinda crazy.. How.. our kids learn everything they know.. from us.. WEIRD!
& he has my talent too! he can pick up things with his toes :) and I am teaching him to pinch with them :)
Me... Its just what I do.. eat panda.. and play on the computer.. or work, or school stuff, but still Its kinda crazy.. How.. our kids learn everything they know.. from us.. WEIRD!
& he has my talent too! he can pick up things with his toes :) and I am teaching him to pinch with them :)
Who's watching the kid!!?
Since mike gets up for work everyday at 430am,, on his days off he still wakes up early.. goes in the living room and usually goes back to bed.. We thursdays are his day off, and my day to sleep carefree!! :) We this thursday, I woke up.. Mike and Riley were both in the living room, so I settled in for a few more hours of carefee sleep.. The kind of sleep you get when you know your kid is ok,. the kind of sleep I had before I had a kid.. I woke up in a panic.. looked at the clock! It was 230!!.. holy crap why did he let me sleep so long, I had to leave for work in 30 mins! I came out and noticed my dedicated husband.. sleeping on the couch, and the child was outside, in only a diaper swinging.. he had red stuff all over his face.. I didnt give it to much thought, until I discovered the 2 strawberry containers on the floor in the kitchen.. each strawberry had one giant bite taken out of it..
Out of 2 containers he managed to miss 8.. just 8 useable ones left.
Oh well.. next time I will make sure to tell mike NOT to sleep while I am carefree sleeping.. & at least they were strawberries, and not like a container of icing or something.
Out of 2 containers he managed to miss 8.. just 8 useable ones left.
Oh well.. next time I will make sure to tell mike NOT to sleep while I am carefree sleeping.. & at least they were strawberries, and not like a container of icing or something.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Those Little Mommy Moments

This blog was inspired by Oprah :) I saw her show on mothers today, and their dirty little secrets.. Through the entire show I was laughing, and thinking.. yeah. I've done that! I think sometimes we try so hard to be perfect! and NORMAL! I find myself comparing myself all the time to my friends and things they do. So I thought, was a great place to be honest, and share the crazy things that happen everyday. I'm not sure how many people will fin interest in this, but I think it will be a great blog book when I put everything together.
Riley.. who is mostly the reason I blog.. him and for myself :) He is nearly 3 years old, and the most randon things are coming out of his mouth! I am excited to share them with you.
yesterday.. he walked out of his play room, with the saddest little face, and went up to michael... He said.. Riley's house is Boring!, Boring.. Boring!! do you know how many toys you have kid!? and where did he learn that word?..
Please feel free to share your stories here in the comments :)
So no matter what crazy things I let my child do, or.. the dumb.. Hold crap! things I do as a mom, its nice to share them, and to know.. that with a busy schedule, and a hectic life.. We are not alone :) We all have those days.. those little mommy moments.
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